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Liver/Rare disease
Odxibat (Odevixibat)
Odxibat 200 micrograms hard capsules / Odxibat 1200 micrograms hard capsules
Instruction manual download

Odxibat contains the active substance odevixibat. Odevixibat is a medicine which increases theremoval of substances called bile acids from the body.


1. What Odxibat is and what it is used for

Odxibat contains the active substance odevixibat. Odevixibat is a medicine which increases the removal of substances called bile acids from the body. Bile acids are components of the digestive fluid called bile, which is produced by the liver and secreted into the intestines. Odevixibat blocks the mechanism that normally reabsorbs them from the intestines after they have done their job. This allows them to pass out of the body in the stool.Odxibat is used to treat progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFlC) in patients aged 6 months or older. PFIC is a liver disease caused by build-up of bile acids (cholestasis) that gets worse over time and is often accompanied with severe itching


2.How to take Odxibat

Always take this medicine exactly as your doctor or pharmacist has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.


Treatment must be started and supervised by a doctor experienced in the management of progressive liver disease with reduced bile flow.

The dose of Odxibat is based on your weight, Your doctor will work out the right number and strength of capsules for you to take


The recommended dose is

*40 micrograms odevixibat per kilogram body weight once daily.

*If the medicine is not working well enough after 3 months, your doctor may increase the dose to 120 micrograms odevixibat per kilogram body weight (up to a maximum of 7200 micrograms once daily)

*No dose differences are recommended for adults.


3. Possible side effects

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Side effects may occur with the following frequency:

common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people)

*diarrhoea, including diarrhoea with bloody stool, soft stools

*abdominal (belly) pain

*enlarged liver

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